无法创建图像缓冲区 无法创建图像缓冲区黑屏
无法创建图像缓冲区 无法创建图像缓冲区黑屏
2、对于 VSYNC 信号和 Triple Buffering 更详细的介绍,可以参考《 Project Butter - How it works and What it added? 》。
3、给你一个函数吧,nWidth,nHeight是要保存的宽度和高度,nX,nY是起始点坐标(相对于左上角)待处理图像{HDC hMemDC = CreateCompatibleDC(hDC);Application code gets the latest frame of image data by calling a frame retrieval modand passing a buffer.HBITMAP hBmpNew = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hDC, nWidth, nHeight);BitBlt(hMemDC, 0, 0, nWidth, nHeight, hDC, nX, nY, SRCCOPY);LONG lLineBytes = (nWidth24+31)/324;LONG lBufferSize = lLineBytesnHeight;memset( &bih, 0, sizeof(bih) );bih.biHeight = nHeight;bih.biBitCount = 24;bih.biPlanes = 1;SelectObject(hMemDC, hBmpOld);DeleteObject(hBmpNew);DeleteDC(hMemDC);}。