新野鹦鹉养殖基地电话 新野县正规的宠物医院
新野鹦鹉养殖基地电话 新野县正规的宠物医院
1、9802----4月12日------13.8------32--------26 -E.EI@"养鹦鹉需要办理《野生动物饲养证》,可通过当地申请,带上个人、购买证明、购买、住址等证明材料即可。
3、 9-I;'以上内容仅供参考,具体事项Abstrct:The egg-laying,artificial incubation of eggs and feeding of a pair of derbyan parakeet observed in 1998 were reported in this .The dlopment of grovth of squabs had been detailed as well.The incubation period of derbyan parakeet is about 23 days,and the hatchbilicty of eggs is up to .During the period of 65 days of artificial feeding, the survival rate of squabs is . -Cm' T,1可咨询机构获取准确信息。